How Better Breathing Leads to Better Memory

How Better Breathing Leads to Better Memory

Looking for an effective way to improve your memory? Improve the way you breathe. Believe it or not, proper breathing can do wonders for your memory. When you breathe through your nose while you’re exercising or engaging in other physical activities, you’ll increase your blood oxygen and increase blood flow to your brain.

This can lead to higher mental clarity and activity, which can in turn boost memory. It’s important to understand that the way you breathe is important. If you’d like to do something good for your memory, breathe through your nose, rather than your mouth.

In a study by Northwestern University, those who breathed through their noses recognized faces on a computer screen quickly. They were also able to remember the various objects that flashed on it. When they breathed through their mouth, however, they suddenly began to face challenges with their memory.

In addition to better memory, breathing through your nose can filter a significant amount of pollutants, bacteria, and dust and keep it from making its way into your lungs. This can keep you healthy and reduce your risk of serious health complications.

How to Breathe Through Your Nose

If you’re an avid mouth breather, it’s time to make a change and breathe through your nose instead. This is particularly true if you’d like to improve your memory and overall health. Be mindful about nose breathing and do it as much as possible. After a bit of practice and focus, you may be on your way to becoming a regular nose breather.

In the event you have any nasal blockage, clear it with a tissue or nasal watch. Once you do, you’ll find it far easier to breathe through your nose. You should also keep your stress levels at bay as studies have shown that stress often results in rushed breathing through the mouth.

Additionally, exercise on a daily basis so that you increase your need to breathe through your nose. As long as you get your heart rate up, you’ll be able to naturally transfer your breathing from your mouth to your nose.

Myofunctional therapy which uses exercises to help your facial muscles steer toward nose breathing may be an option as well. While surgery is an option, it’s often a last resort and only recommended if there’s an issue with the structure of your nose.