Plastic Surgery Options During a Staycation

It’s finally summer, the best season for a much-needed vacation. A vacation is an ideal time for a plastic surgery procedure with a short recovery time. Plastic surgery can improve your appearance so that you get back to your daily routine feeling happier and more confident than ever before. So do you actually have to travel somewhere to undergo a procedure? The answer is “no!” You can take a staycation instead.

A staycation is where you take a break from the daily grind and recharge at home. You might spend a staycation catching up on your favorite television shows, relaxing in your backyard, or recovering from plastic surgery. Fortunately, there are countless procedures that come with short recovery times ranging from a few days to a week. Once you recover from a staycation, you can resume your routine looking and feeling great.

Some of the most popular procedures you might want to consider include breast augmentation and liposuction. While breast augmentation is performed to change the size, shape, and/or contour of your breasts, liposuction removes unwanted fat from various areas of your body, such as the hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and even chin. Another body procedure you might want to explore if you’re displeased with your midsection is a tummy tuck. As long as you follow the post-surgery directions, you can heal in a timely manner.

In addition to body procedures, you may choose facial procedures. Even though recovery times might be longer, depending on the procedure you go with, these options may make sense if you can extend your staycation. Some examples of facial procedures that can help you look years younger include blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty or a nose job, and lip enhancement.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to feel good in your own skin, taking some time off work, childcare, and other daily responsibilities to undergo plastic surgery is well worth it. Once you experience the results firsthand, your only regret will be not taking the plunge sooner. If you’re unsure of which procedure is right for your unique aesthetic goals, we’ll be more than happy to make some recommendations in a complimentary consultation.