The Scoop on CoolSculpting

If you’re frustrated by stubborn fat bulges that won’t disappear with diet and exercise, CoolSculpting may be the ultimate solution. This unique treatment can help you achieve a leaner physique. Let’s dive deeper into what CoolSculpting is and how it works.

How CoolSculpting Works

A CoolSculpting treatment involves a special applicator that targets the fat cells beneath your skin and cools them to above-freezing temperatures. Eventually, these treated fat cells will die off, without damaging your nerves, skin, or surrounding tissue.

Then, your body will naturally metabolize the cells, leaving you with a more sculpted, athletic look. Studies have proven that every CoolSculpting treatment can reduce your fat cells by anywhere from 20% to 25%. The good news is side effects are minor and may include a bit of redness, bruising, and swelling in and around the treated areas.

Even though you might notice immediate results, it will take a few months for the final results to make their debut. Keep in mind that if you do gain weight, the treated areas won’t be affected. Many people find that CoolSculpting encourages them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting offers a long list of benefits. While liposuction and other treatments come with lengthy recovery periods and interfere with your everyday routine, CoolSculpting does not. You can return to your everyday activities right away.

Also, CoolSculpting reduces fat naturally through the freezing of your fat cells. Additionally, it can be effective in several problem areas of your body, like the abdomen, love handles, thighs, and arms. CoolSculpting may also be used under the chin.

Good Candidates for CoolSculpting

If you’re near or at your goal weight but bothered by stubborn fat pockets. CoolSculpting might rmake sense. This is particularly true if you’d like to contour your body without surgery or downtime. Since CoolSculpting is a body contouring treatment rather than a weight loss treatment, it’s not a good option if you’re overweight. You should also avoid it if you’re pregnant or have plans to become pregnant in the future.