5 Common Tennis Injuries Tennis can be a very competitive and intense game. Eager new players and even seasoned pros can put their bodies under repetitive stress, which is why most tennis injuries are overuse injuries. Overuse Injuries Overuse injuries occur when an action is repeated that puts pressure on tissue, muscles or joints. Some …
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5 Common Running Injuries
5 Common Running Injuries Whether you’ve just started running or if you’re racing in marathons, it’s important to keep safe. Just like any sport, a regimen of rest, stretching, and hydration is important in helping prevent injuries. Below are some of the common injuries runners may face. Runner’s Knee Patellofemoral pain syndrome, known commonly as …
5 Common Hockey Injuries
5 Common Hockey Injuries Ice hockey is a contact sport where the players and the puck move at high speeds, so when players run into each other or objects, great force is used. This is why hockey is considered a collision sport. Injuries are fairly common, but efforts can be made to avoid them with …
5 Common Basketball Injuries
5 Common Basketball Injuries Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world, and for good reason. It’s fun, challenging and fast paced. But playing requires quick movements that, without certain precautions, can result in injury. Here are five of the most common basketball injuries and how you can avoid them: Ankle Sprains …
3 Nonsurgical Sprain and Strain Treatments
3 Nonsurgical Sprain and Strain Treatments Sprains and strains are a common cause of pain. This article takes a look at how these conditions may be managed medically and with simple home remedies. These are some of the simple methods of managing sprains and strains. Prevention is no doubt better than cure, and taking precautions …
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3 Common Dislocations
Gymnastics, basketball, football, downhill skiing and car crashes are all mishaps that can result in a dislocated joint. Learn more about three common dislocation injuries. 3 Common Dislocations What do gymnastics, basketball, football, car accidents, and downhill skiing all have in common? All are situations in which you can accidentally dislocate a joint. Dislocation occurs …
Why Joint Replacements Do Not Last Forever
Your joint replacement won’t last forever. Check this out to find out why, and what you can do about it. Why Joint Replacements Do Not Last Forever You may have heard it down the grapevine or may have experienced it yourself – an individual has undergone a hip replacement not too long ago and now …
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What Is a PET Scan?
One of the latest and most precise methods of modern diagnostic imaging, PET, or Positron Emission Tomography was celebrated by TIME Magazine as the medical invention of the year in 2000. What is a PET Scan? Positron Emission Tomography, or PET, scan is a diagnostic tool used to help doctors observe how tissue and organs …
Recovering After Joint Replacement
Joint replacement surgery is a commonly performed procedure. Following the procedure, it is essential for patients to take some time out and recover sufficiently. In this article, we shall briefly look at how one can recover following a joint replacement. Types of Joint Replacement The recovery period following joint replacement varies depending on the joint …
Prevention of Infection After Joint Replacement
Risk Factors For Development of an Infection Before we discuss how exactly infection can be prevented, it is important to recognize why exactly a patient would develop an infection following joint replacement. There are certain factors that can predispose an individual being tailored to developing an infection. A low immunity level or the presence of …
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