Pain Relievers – What’s the Difference?

NSAIDs, Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Oh my! What’s the difference between the numerous pain relievers, and how do I choose the right one for me and my family? Pain Relievers: What’s the Difference? Non-prescription pain relievers come in so many different types and so many different brands types; how can I choose the best one for my …

Baseball Injuries Part 2: Hitters

Baseball Injuries Part 2: Hitters Baseball has long been one of America’s favorite sports. But whether you’re playing recreationally, in your backyard, or on a professional team, you may be risking certain injuries. While Part 1 focused on the overuse injuries of pitchers, this part will focus on some of the injuries faced by those …

Baseball Injuries Part 1: Pitchers

Baseball Injuries Part 1: Pitchers Baseball is one of the most popular sports in America. But whether you’re playing recreationally, in your backyard, or on a professional team, you may be risking certain injuries. When it comes to baseball pitchers, the most common injuries are often due to overuse. Overuse Injuries Overuse injuries occur when …

6 Herbal Remedies for Pain Relief

6 Herbal Remedies for Pain Relief Herbal medicine provides alternatives to drugs for pain management. Herbal remedies are being found to lower pain levels and decrease inflammation. This finding is most welcome, considering potential side effects of many pharmaceutical pain killers. However, just like traditional pain relievers, herbal remedies also have their down sides. These …